Red Fruits
Divisi : Spermatophyta
Kelas :
Ordo :
Famili :
Genus : Pandanus
Species : Pandanus
conoideus Lam
Red fruit is a kind of traditional
fruit from Papua. Society Wamena, Papua,
this fruit called
as 'kuansu'. Scientific name 'pandanus conoideus lam'.
Red fruit crops
including plant pandan-Pandanan family. The
tree resembles a pandanus plant. Plant height is
only 16 meters high
with its own branch-free
trunk as high as 5-8 meters and is reinforced tunjang roots
on the stem side down.
Oval-shaped fruit cultivars with
leaf buds covered
fruit. Fruit red
fruit has reached
55 centimeters long,
10-15 cm diameter,
and weighs 2-3
pounds. Ripe fruit
bright maroon. But
there are also plants that bear fruit is
brown and yellowish brown.
Society Wamena red fruit is usually present in the food at the traditional feast grilled stone. But there are also who use it as a drug. Traditionally, red fruit from ancient generations has been consumed as efficacious cure many diseases such as preventing eye diseases, intestinal worms, skin, and increase stamina.
Society Wamena red fruit is usually present in the food at the traditional feast grilled stone. But there are also who use it as a drug. Traditionally, red fruit from ancient generations has been consumed as efficacious cure many diseases such as preventing eye diseases, intestinal worms, skin, and increase stamina.
Cultivation was spearheaded by a
local resident Nicolaas
Maniagasi in 1983. Above the crowd, it was awarded the environmental Nicolaas Care
Award 2002. The fruit is widely available in Jayapura, Manokwari, Nabire and
Now, it has more than 1000 people with the
disease could feel the efficacy
of red fruit. Ranging from cancers,
tumors, cysts, liver,
cirrhosis, diabetes, gout, high blood pressure, stroke, prostate disorders, to
osteoporosis. Even some people with HIV /
AIDS in Jayapura
who consume red
fruit juice was now beginning to
smile again.
One indication of the perceived recovery is more fresh
body condition and
increasing the patient's weight. In fact, the results of laboratory tests on the blood of a patient who consume red
fruit proves the increase in
value of CD4 (parameter one person infected
with HIV / AIDS). The original value
of CD4 below 100 increased to 400 after
6 months of eating red juice. Healthy person
has a CD4 count above
450. In addition, CD8 positive initially, now
changed 10ubercul.
Red fruit is classified as alternative medicine
and do not provide
100% recovery, however,
as a way of helping people with degenerative diseases. Basically, red
juice can be drunk as an ingredient
any supplement for
the body's needs. Adults or children, and the sick and healthy people can
drink it. Because it implies that full
active compounds required by the body, it serves
as a 'deterrent' disease in healthy people and as
a 'cure' for the sick.
For healthy people
are advised to consume red fruit juice 1 time every day as much as 1 tablespoon
(for the kids just 1 teaspoon).
For patients with
diseases such as cholesterol, hepatitis, high blood pressure, and stroke, can eat
2 times a day. As for people with cancer and tumors 3 times a day. And consumed
after a meal.
Broadly speaking, red
fruit has the following benefits, namely:
Food source
As a source of food, the usual red fruit is processed into oil and sauces, as a mixture of other foodstuffs such as potatoes and corn, as a meat preservative and preservative sago.
As a source of food, the usual red fruit is processed into oil and sauces, as a mixture of other foodstuffs such as potatoes and corn, as a meat preservative and preservative sago.
Sources of natural dyes
Red fruit can be used as a food coloring, crafts and cosmetics.
Red fruit can be used as a food coloring, crafts and cosmetics.
Craft materials
Leaves, stems, and roots of red fruit can be used as craft materials such as fastener tools, mats, and wrapping cigarettes.
Leaves, stems, and roots of red fruit can be used as craft materials such as fastener tools, mats, and wrapping cigarettes.
Drug ingredient
Red fruit is one of the medicinal plants that have good prospects for development. Development is one of the active ingredients of diverse and high enough so as to prevent and treat various diseases. Empirically, the red fruit is proven to cure various diseases such as cancer, heart, uberculosis, respiratory disorders and diseases of the eye and skin.
Red fruit is one of the medicinal plants that have good prospects for development. Development is one of the active ingredients of diverse and high enough so as to prevent and treat various diseases. Empirically, the red fruit is proven to cure various diseases such as cancer, heart, uberculosis, respiratory disorders and diseases of the eye and skin.
Disease proved anything
can be cured by red
fruit nutrients besides
Here are some of
them :
Cancer and Tumors
Cancer and tumors
- one of the number one killer disease
in the world -
is caused by an
abnormality in the body's cells. Cancer can
strike any part of the body,
such as the uterus, breast, and even the brain. Had
terminal cancer can cause death.
Red Fruit role in
helping to cure cancer is influenced by the content
of tocopherol and beta-carotene which is relatively
high. Both of these
chemical compounds work together as an antioxidant
and boosts the immune system.
As an antioxidant, these compounds act to prevent and
suppress the growth of cancer cells. Omega 3
contained in the
Red Fruit can also
improve the function of damaged tissue, so it is advisable for people with breast cancer.
High blood pressure due to heart work that serves as a blood blower does
not work as it should. Heart in pumping blood work too quickly here called hypertension.
One of the triggers for this symptom is lack of blood oxygen or blood that
is too thick. High blood pressure accompanied by a narrowing of the blood
vessels can lead to stroke.
Natural tocopherol role in Red Fruit is then employed the blood and facilitate
blood circulation, so that the oxygen content in the blood to normal. When blood
viscosity and oxygen content to be normal, automatic blood pressure became normal
Uric Acid
Gout occurs because the liver does not function
as it should, so that the liver produces excess uric
acid. Uric acid
is then deposited in the kidneys and into the rock,
then carried through the bloodstream to the body
and accumulate, particularly
at the ends of the fingers and toes.
Tocopherol role in
terms of helping the healing of uric
acid is dilute
and increase blood flow, thus improving the work system lever. Working system right lever
is then to reduce the production of uric acid
and improve the work
of the heart. Natural fat that is
in the red fruit can also inhibit the excessive
production of uric acid.
Stroke is a disease
that attacks the brain. The disease is usually caused
by a blood clot, and coupled with the narrowing
of blood vessels. High blood pressure is also one of the triggers of the disease.
If the blood pressure increases, blood clot,
and the narrowing of blood vessels, blood supply to the brain is reduced. In fact, the blood vessels
can rupture. This disease can cause paralysis in the limbs, paralysis of both total and partial paralysis of the
Red Fruit role is
to prevent and help
treat stroke. Chemical compounds that act is
tocopherol. Tocopherol is the red fruit is
a natural tocopherol and prevents blood
clots to dilute.
Interference in Eye
The disease often affects the eyes, temporary blindness and diseases such
as blindness, usually because the body lacks vitamin A. Meanwhile, vitamin A can
not be produced by the body. This is where the role of the Red Fruit betakaroten.
Betakaroten absorbed by the body will then be converted into vitamin A.
Herpes is a skin disease caused by the herpes virus. The
disease is characterized by watery pimple on the skin feel very itchy. Pimple,
the disease can affect the entire body or in the area around the genitals.
Currently there are two kinds of herpes is herpes disease that attacks the
skin and genital herpes attacks. Skin
herpes can attack all parts of the body skin surface and genital herpes are
generally attacked the area around the human genitals. This
virus is usually spread through sexual contact, clothing, sweat, and of an
unhealthy environment.
Diabetes mellitus is often also called blood sugar disease. The
disease is caused by the pancreas is compromised, so it can not produce enough
insulin. Consequently,
disturbed carbohydrate metabolism and glucose can not be processed by the body,
the sugar content in the blood increases which were removed along with the
Symptoms of this disease of blood sugar is the sugar content in the urine,
weight loss, thirst and hunger, and urination continuously. Medical
treatment for this disease is to inject insulin on a regular basis. In
addition, patients should also be on a strict diet and eating patterns.
Diabetes healing process can be aided by eating red fruit oil because
natural vitamin E or tocopherol contains. Tocopherol
in red fruit will improve the work of the pancreas, so the function is to
secrete insulin to be perfect.
Osteoporosis or bone loss usually affects people who are elderly,
especially women. Cause
of osteoporosis is the body lacks calcium, so that the body takes calcium from
the bones and cause bones to become brittle.
Red Fruit ability to prevent and help cure osteoporosis caused this juice
contains high calcium. In
every 100 grams of fresh red fruit contained 54,000 mg of calcium. Prevent
and help cure osteoporosis can be done by eating red fruit in the form of
pasta, fresh red fruit, and red fruit oil.
According to a survey conducted, to date there are at least 5,000 people who died from the disease lupus. This
disease can be known with patches ¬ butterfly-shaped red spots
like scratches or
bite wound. This
disease is an autoimmune disease that attacks the immune system from the inside and not
be able to recognize their own body
The immune system of lupus patients usually go wild and
attack yourself. Lupus can cause the already desperate attacks
the joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs,
blood vessels, and
brain. Usually the
disease is also accompanied
with appetite and decreased weight, and
hair loss.
Red Fruit role in
helping to cure lupus disease
sufferers is increasing
stamina. Red fruit
in healing this disease
also serves as an
Source :
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