My Holiday in Dufan
Hello everybody ! Now I will tell you about my last holiday with my classmates. That was very pleasent moment with my classmates in senior high school. Lets enjoy my story guys !
Nasional exam for senior high school was no longer came. On 15th to 18th April 2013, there wasn’t a study for the first and second grade. So, me and my schoolmates were planning to trip to Tidung Island. Because there were some trouble such us the cost and permission from our parents, finally we decided to trip to Dunia Fantasi or Dufan. But unfortunately, not all of my classmates joined go there. Just 15 persons joined to Dufan.
Our trip to Dufan was very chip. The cost for 1 person were Rp 125.000 for Dufan’s ticket and Rp 35.000 for fuel cost. The travel cost was free because one of my friend, Regita, had her own travel.
We went to Dufan on 15th April. We gathered first in our school. About 06.45 am, we started our trip to Dufan. After 1 hour on the way, we stopped at rest area for bought some snack or just went to the toilet. The trip was resume. Our trip was very pleasent, we sang and joked together. My friend Rayina Bagja was very excited to sang a songs. He has a loud voice and very ignorant. But he made our trip more happly.

We arrived at Dufan after spend about 4 hours on the way. The condition on the way was very crowded, so we have a delayed. When we were entering Dufan, the visitors were dominant by a teenagers and there was very crowded. The weather was very hot, so we immediately bought tickets. When we exchanged the ticket, our hand were stamped by the clerk. After that, we went to played some games. The first game was Hysteria, that was a new vehicle in Dufan. But unfortunately I fell so scared, so I did’nt ride that vehicle. I was just sat waited for them with Wina, she said that she didn’t scared but she just won’t to ride Hysteria. The queue was very long so I waited long enough with Wina. Hysteria is a pretty challenging game, after they ride Hysteria, they said that is wonderfull and so surprised. Hear that, I feel so regreted because not participating with them. The second vehicle was Kicir-Kicir. I think this vehicle was more scary than Hysteria, my opinion was supported by my friends who don’t ride Kicir-Kicir. They were Yasmin, Silmi, and Wina. Finally I didn’t ride Kicir-Kicir also. My friends said to me that I will got regret so much if I didn’t ride a challenging vehicle. Ohh I won’t to losed this holiday.
Its time to Tornado the most scaried vehicle in Dufan. Amel forced me to ride this vehicle, she was waiting for me in front of the queue place. But with confused, I forced myself to enter the queue place. I never decided to ride Tornado. During queuing, my stomach pain and nausea because I was scared. But when the queue were more short, my fear was getting lost. Finally .. ! I had concured Tornado. Tornado wasn’t scared. When I was riding the vehicle, it feels like we was flying and twirling in the sky. So my fear that always hindered me to enjoyed everything exsist in Dufan.

After Tornado, we decided to ride Niagara. Niagara is a vehicle like a boat in river and ended by slide sharp. That made we got wet. The weather was more hot and we fell tired. So we walked around Dufan to found place to eat. We had trouble to found it, so we forced to eat in front of the toilet. We want to bought Mc Donald, but for got the food we must queuing for long enough. It was about 45 minutes. During we were waiting, we had some chat about recently our adventure in Dufan. Don’t forget we took some picture.
After had a lunch, we continued our games again! The next goal is Kora-Kora. The queue was very long, this made Radifan got bad sense. So he decided not to joined with us. The last vehicle is Halilintar. The important vehicle in Dufan. I want to ride this vehicle very much, because I never ride it before. Although the queue was very long, that wasn’t made me aborted to ride it. I think this is my good chance. We queued for it about 1 hour, when we had reach a front line time showed 05.30 pm. Ride the Halilintar was very extreme, our rotating were vertical 360 degrees. This is the vehicle that against the earth gravity.

Our adventured must be end. We went to parking area immediately because the time showed 06.00 pm. During walked, my leg got hurt because my shoes. We went home to Bandung 06.15 pm. On the way, we were stuck in traffic because of an overturned truck and covered most of the road. We stopped again in rest area to had a dinner. After that we continued to went home. We arrived in Bandung at 11.30 pm. All fell tired, fun, and satisfied.