Kamis, 25 April 2013

My Friend, Yasmin - Igretia Diffa

My Cute Friend Yasmin

Hello everybody ! Now I wil tell you a little about one of my friends. She is Yasmin, her full name is Yasmin Lathifa Shabhan. She is my classmate in ASLAN, the reason I wanted to tell about her because there are somethings interesting about her.
Yasmin was born in Jakarta on 26th May 1997, but now she lives in Bandung with her family. She lives at Senam 2 Street Number 8, Arcamanik. She was the youngest in her family and has 2 brothers. Both of them have the same characteristic with her, espesially with their face. They have a slanted eyes like Chinese people. Yasmin very likes pink colour. Almost all of her write’s tools are pink. Her bag is pink also. Yasmin wants to be  ‘HI’. She hates insect very much same with me. 

I know her in PLIST 3 Senior High School. She is looks like a shy and uncomunicative people, that are my first opinion about her.  Yasmin has a long and curly hair, white skin, slanted eyes, aquiline nose, and chubby cheek. I like her eyes and her cheek, that make her so cute. Some people of my class said that she is like a child. Because of her face and the way she talked. She got questionnaire as a prettiest woman in my class. Long time know her, I think she is not a uncomunicative people. She always tell everything she know about something to me and other friend. She likes Korean Pop very much, same with me. But I like Korean Drama more than K-pop. I think Yasmin likes everything about Korea =)). On free time in my school, we usually go to Movie Room to buy some Korean’s dvd. After that, we have exchanged our different dvd.
There are so many things that I can learned from her. I can learn how to be a good girl when I talk must be not too loud and show my feminine. Her diligent when she do her homework can give me a motivation that “I want to be like Yasmin who always do homework diligently”. She seems like not burdened, but enjoyed her homework. Yasmin can do it, so I’m sure that I can do it too. I like her  knowledge too, she has a large knowledge about developing of the world.

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