Appointed on the true story experienced by the author
himself, the book "Warriors of the Rainbow" tells the story of
childhood village children from a very poor Malay community Belitung. Son of
the 'small' are trying to improve their future.
SD Muhammadiyah (school this writer), looked so fragile and
pathetic compared to schools PN Timah (State Company Tin). They were cornered
in a huge irony because it is poverty amidst wealth Gemah Ripah PN Timah
exploit their communal land.
Difficulties continued to haunt the village school. Schools
are built on sincerity and pioneering spirit two teachers, a principal who is
old, Mr. Noor Harfan Efendy and young teacher, Mrs. Muslimah Hafsari, which is
also very poor, trying to maintain the spirit of education with a major limp.
Schools are almost dissolved by the Department of Education and school
superintendent for lack of pupils South Sumatra, the idiot boy was saved thanks
to an all-time school who never get a report card.
Schools that lived through the helping hand of marginal
donors in the community was so poor: a dilapidated school buildings, classrooms
bare soil, roofed perforated, perforated, berbangku potluck, if used to store
animals evening, even though chalk was expensive for the school is only able to
hire teachers and school heads with so many kilos of rice, so the teacher was
forced to support the family in other ways. The principal hoeing a garden and
teacher mother received stitches.
However, the magic seemed to be happening every day at
school which from afar looks like the building will collapse. Everything
happens for the first day of the class and the principal teacher of the young
mother who only qualified SKP (Skill School Girls) has won the hearts of small
children eleven poor.
From time to time they both work together to encourage the
eleven children had to be confident, dare to compete, in order to appreciate
and put education as a very important thing in life. They taught her to be
strong eleventh, persevering, not easily give up, and bravely face the
difficulties of any kind. The second teacher was also an accomplished teacher
to produce a student who is very smart and they were able to hone the talents
of a few other students. Mr. and Mrs. Mus Harfan also teaches love of neighbor
and their very devoted to his eleventh. Both poor teacher was given the
nickname the eleven disciples as the Rainbow Warriors.
Magic happens when school Muhamaddiyah, led by one of the
rainbow were able to win the school carnival beat PN and wonders peaked when
three members of the rainbow children (curls, Latitude, and Sahara) won the
quiz competition defeating PN schools and school- public schools. A feat that
has always stolen decades PN schools.
No doubt, the saddest events Muhamaddiyah school struck when
latitude, most genius student members of the rainbow that had to quit school
when only staying one quarter finish junior high. He had to stop because he was
the oldest son to support his family, because when the father died.
Belitong again hit by a huge irony as a child prodigy had
dropped out of school because of the costs and income of the family is
precisely the surrounding PN Timah become rich by exploiting their ancestral
Although early 90s Muhamaddiyah school was eventually closed
because it did not have to support themselves, but the spirit, integrity, his
generous nature, and perseverance are taught Mr. Bu Muslimah Harfan and stay
alive in the hearts of the rainbow. Eventually the two teachers can be proud
because among the eleven members of the rainbow now there is a representative
of the people, there is a research and development manager at one of the most
important multinational companies in the country, there is a gain international
scholarship then did research at the University de Paris, Sorbonne and S2
graduated with honors with distinction from a leading university in the UK.
All of it, the fruit of moral education and intellectual
passion infused by Bu Mus and Pak Harfan. Both great people who probably have
not even been out of their own island at the southernmost tip of Sumatra there.
A lot of things that appear inspiring this book. This book
provides examples and encouraging. This book shows that in the hands of a
teacher, poverty can be turned into strengths, limitations are not obstacles to
progress, and have a quality education and the definition of very large
dimensions. At least rainbow and poor school Muhamaddiyah show that a great
education is not at all related to the facility. Last rainbow story tells us
that that is really a teacher unsung heroes.
Intrinsic elements Novel Laskar Pelangi
The structure of the novel Laskar Pelangi is:
a. Theme
The theme of this novel about education. But there are
also sub-themes, such as poverty and romance.
b. Characterizations
The novel consists of several figures who build the
story. There are more than
ditampilkan.Tokoh ten figure consists of the main character
and additional characters. The main character in this novel is Curly (I),
latitude and Mahar tambahanya while the figure is Syahdan, Leek, Bore (samson),
A Kiong, Aaron, Trapani, Sahara, Flo and their teacher Miss Muslimah and Pak
Harfan. The ten students is called Laskar Pelangi. Characterizations in the
novel is narrated So also complete, detailed, and thorough so that characters
are displayed so strong and intact.
c. Background
There are some places that become the background, among
others: Muhammadiah School, sees as PN School, a street on the edge of the
swamp, tree filicium, store Sinar Harapan, temple courtyard, podium honors,
Punai Base, where quiz competitions, Al Hikmah mosque, mountain Selumur, on a
boat, pirate island, cinema, and Zaal stone. All these places are in Belitong,
except most of these books bookstore located in Jakarta which mrenceritakan
life of the main character became a postman after
he was an adult. Also functions as a supporting background
and explanatory themes. The depiction of the time spent in this novel form of
appointment hours, grade level taken, evening, before sunset, after dawn, in
the morning, afternoon, in the afternoon as well as the mention of the day.
This novel tells the story of the state of society in K. which was generally
poor. Belitong is the name of an island in Sumatra. Poverty is happening is a portrait
of inequality of wealth distribution from one of the richest regions in
d. Viewpoint
Author's point of view is the perspective used me as the
main character. I and all the characters associated with the character I became
the center of the story in this novel. At the end of this book, I changed
character, from the original curls into Syahdan, which also includes the
members of Laskar Pelangi.
e. Mandate
Mandate contained in this novel that we are thankful in
life, hold fast to the teachings of the religion as well as the hard work and
embroidery is unyielding in achieving goals as told through the behavior of the
characters in this novel.
2. Main Figures in psychiatric Novel Laskar Pelangi
b. Curly
This shows that the figure in kejiwaanya id curls can be
the super ego. Basically id is psychic energy just thinking
about the sheer pleasure, while the superego is the moral code and contain
social values that the individual is absorbed from the environment. Id think
only about themselves, for the sake of personal satisfaction to beat others
regardless of any terms. Character 'I' do not merely want to beat the figures
latitude in terms of intelligence, if id possessed extremely strong curls he
might resent not even want to be friends anymore premises sebangkunya friends
because they felt defeated, but the super-ego beat the id. Curly character who
falls in love only to the nails without knowing who the owner is, including a
role in personality id operates entirely on the unconscious level. Id brought
humans from birth, including curls similiki instincts about the girl he loves
even just looking at her nails alone. He has a sure instinct instinct and if
the girl he loves this girl even be encouraging her life. It is the influence
of the id, ego and super ego beroprasi well integrated and in harmony with
little conflict. Curly figure is not too much of a conflict due to the
influence of the id, ego and super ego are well integrated.
c. Latitude
The ego is the psychological aspect of personality is
arising because people need to relate well with the real world. Super ego is
the personality aspect of sociology, is representative of traditional values
and ideals of the people as interpreted by parents to their children the
commandments or
prohibitions. Super ego can also be regarded as a moral
aspect of personality, function of determining whether something is good or
bad, right or wrong, appropriate or not, according to the prevailing morality
in society. In this latitude has id, the extraordinary intelligence he sanagt
born with coupled with the passionate ego. His passion to learn the very Minkin
kelaurganya menagngkat makes him very excited to learn. But Super ego itself
that makes Latitude no longer continue the id, and ego. Super ego here
considered the moral aspect of personality, its function is to determine
whether something is good or bad, right or wrong, appropriate or not, according
to the prevailing morality in society. Latitude knew in school spirit, it is
right and good with the aim that he will not only become a fisherman like his
father. But circumstances forced him to wipe all that desire.
Appointed on the true story experienced by the author
himself, the book "Warriors of the Rainbow" tells the story of childhood
village children from a very poor Malay community Belitung. Son of the 'small'
are trying to improve their future.
SD Muhammadiyah (school this writer), looked so fragile and
pathetic compared to schools PN Timah (State Company Tin). They were cornered
in a huge irony because it is poverty amidst wealth Gemah Ripah PN Timah
exploit their communal land.
Difficulties continued to haunt the village school. Schools
are built on sincerity and pioneering spirit two teachers, a principal who is
old, Mr. Noor Harfan Efendy and young teacher, Mrs. Muslimah Hafsari, which is
also very poor, trying to maintain the spirit of education with a major limp.
Schools are almost dissolved by the Department of Education and school superintendent
for lack of pupils South Sumatra, the idiot boy was saved thanks to an all-time
school who never get a report card.
Schools that lived through the helping hand of marginal
donors in the community was so poor: a dilapidated school buildings, classrooms
bare soil, roofed perforated, perforated, berbangku potluck, if used to store
animals evening, even though chalk was expensive for the school is only able to
hire teachers and school heads with so many kilos of rice, so the teacher was
forced to support the family in other ways. The principal hoeing a garden and
teacher mother received stitches.
However, the magic seemed to be happening every day at
school which from afar looks like the building will collapse. Everything
happens for the first day of the class and the principal teacher of the young
mother who only qualified SKP (Skill School Girls) has won the hearts of small
children eleven poor.
From time to time they both work together to encourage the
eleven children had to be confident, dare to compete, in order to appreciate
and put education as a very important thing in life. They taught her to be
strong eleventh, persevering, not easily give up, and bravely face the
difficulties of any kind. The second teacher was also an accomplished teacher
to produce a student who is very smart and they were able to hone the talents
of a few other students. Mr. and Mrs. Mus Harfan also teaches love of neighbor
and their very devoted to his eleventh. Both poor teacher was given the
nickname the eleven disciples as the Rainbow Warriors.
Magic happens when school Muhamaddiyah, led by one of the
rainbow were able to win the school carnival beat PN and wonders peaked when
three members of the rainbow children (curls, Latitude, and Sahara) won the
quiz competition defeating PN schools and school- public schools. A feat that
has always stolen decades PN schools.
No doubt, the saddest events Muhamaddiyah school struck when
latitude, most genius student members of the rainbow that had to quit school
when only staying one quarter finish junior high. He had to stop because he was
the oldest son to support his family, because when the father died.
Belitong again hit by a huge irony as a child prodigy had
dropped out of school because of the costs and income of the family is
precisely the surrounding PN Timah become rich by exploiting their ancestral
Although early 90s Muhamaddiyah school was eventually closed
because it did not have to support themselves, but the spirit, integrity, his
generous nature, and perseverance are taught Mr. Bu Muslimah Harfan and stay
alive in the hearts of the rainbow. Eventually the two teachers can be proud
because among the eleven members of the rainbow now there is a representative
of the people, there is a research and development manager at one of the most
important multinational companies in the country, there is a gain international
scholarship then did research at the University de Paris, Sorbonne and S2
graduated with honors with distinction from a leading university in the UK.
All of it, the fruit of moral education and intellectual
passion infused by Bu Mus and Pak Harfan. Both great people who probably have
not even been out of their own island at the southernmost tip of Sumatra there.
A lot of things that appear inspiring this book. This book
provides examples and encouraging. This book shows that in the hands of a
teacher, poverty can be turned into strengths, limitations are not obstacles to
progress, and have a quality education and the definition of very large
dimensions. At least rainbow and poor school Muhamaddiyah show that a great
education is not at all related to the facility. Last rainbow story tells us
that that is really a teacher unsung heroes.
Intrinsic elements Novel Laskar Pelangi
The structure of the novel Laskar Pelangi is:
a. Theme
The theme of this novel about education. But there are
also sub-themes, such as poverty and romance.
b. Characterizations
The novel consists of several figures who build the
story. There are more than
ditampilkan.Tokoh ten figure consists of the main character
and additional characters. The main character in this novel is Curly (I),
latitude and Mahar tambahanya while the figure is Syahdan, Leek, Bore (samson),
A Kiong, Aaron, Trapani, Sahara, Flo and their teacher Miss Muslimah and Pak
Harfan. The ten students is called Laskar Pelangi. Characterizations in the
novel is narrated So also complete, detailed, and thorough so that characters
are displayed so strong and intact.
c. Background
There are some places that become the background, among
others: Muhammadiah School, sees as PN School, a street on the edge of the
swamp, tree filicium, store Sinar Harapan, temple courtyard, podium honors,
Punai Base, where quiz competitions, Al Hikmah mosque, mountain Selumur, on a
boat, pirate island, cinema, and Zaal stone. All these places are in Belitong,
except most of these books bookstore located in Jakarta which mrenceritakan
life of t
he main character became a postman after
he was an adult. Also functions as a supporting background
and explanatory themes. The depiction of the time spent in this novel form of
appointment hours, grade level taken, evening, before sunset, after dawn, in
the morning, afternoon, in the afternoon as well as the mention of the day.
This novel tells the story of the state of society in K. which was generally
poor. Belitong is the name of an island in Sumatra. Poverty is happening is a
portrait of inequality of wealth distribution from one of the richest regions
in Indonesia.
d. Viewpoint
Author's point of view is the perspective used me as the
main character. I and all the characters associated with the character I became
the center of the story in this novel. At the end of this book, I changed
character, from the original curls into Syahdan, which also includes the
members of Laskar Pelangi.
e. Mandate
Mandate contained in this novel that we are thankful in
life, hold fast to the teachings of the religion as well as the hard work and
embroidery is unyielding in achieving goals as told through the behavior of the
characters in this novel.
2. Main Figures in psychiatric Novel Laskar Pelangi
b. Curly
This shows that the figure in kejiwaanya id curls can be
the super ego. Basically id is psychic energy just thinking
about the sheer pleasure, while the superego is the moral code and contain
social values that the individual is absorbed from the environment. Id think
only about themselves, for the sake of personal satisfaction to beat others
regardless of any terms. Character 'I' do not merely want to beat the figures
latitude in terms of intelligence, if id possessed extremely strong curls he
might resent not even want to be friends anymore premises sebangkunya friends
because they felt defeated, but the super-ego beat the id. Curly character who
falls in love only to the nails without knowing who the owner is, including a
role in personality id operates entirely on the unconscious level. Id brought
humans from birth, including curls similiki instincts about the girl he loves
even just looking at her nails alone. He has a sure instinct instinct and if
the girl he loves this girl even be encouraging her life. It is the influence
of the id, ego and super ego beroprasi well integrated and in harmony with
little conflict. Curly figure is not too much of a conflict due to the
influence of the id, ego and super ego are well integrated.
c. Latitude
The ego is the psychological aspect of personality is
arising because people need to relate well with the real world. Super ego is
the personality aspect of sociology, is representative of traditional values
and ideals of the people as interpreted by parents to their children the
commandments or
prohibitions. Super ego can also be regarded as a moral
aspect of personality, function of determining whether something is good or
bad, right or wrong, appropriate or not, according to the prevailing morality
in society. In this latitude has id, the extraordinary intelligence he sanagt
born with coupled with the passionate ego. His passion to learn the very Minkin
kelaurganya menagngkat makes him very excited to learn. But Super ego itself
that makes Latitude no longer continue the id, and ego. Super ego here
considered the moral aspect of personality, its function is to determine whether
something is good or bad, right or wrong, appropriate or not, according to the
prevailing morality in society. Latitude knew in school spirit, it is right and
good with the aim that he will not only become a fisherman like his father. But
circumstances forced him to wipe all that desire.
Titan Malik Ibrahim