Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

National Exam - Amelia Herlambang

National exam is a standard evaluation system in Indonesia. Improving the quality of education begins with the determination of the standard. Someone have to passed when it has passed the limit value of the boundary. Then the boundary value function to saparate the student who graduated. National examinations are not wrong to do, but the national exam can not be used as a measure of students' graduation. Now determinant of graduation students not only the value of the national exam, but a combination of grades and test score or a school called School Value also determine student graduation.
In addition, the national exam should not burden the students. But some students claimed that national exam makes the student stressful and scary about the scores. Because some students cheat when national exam and it makes the students worried about the scores. One reason students cheat is fear getting bad grades. Due to this the government seems more concerned with the cognitive. So that students attempt to do anything in order to get good grades. This affected the nation's declining moral values​​.
National exam should still exsist but not for decide student graduate, they studied for 3 years but decided only for 4 days. It was so unfair. I think the value does not really matter, what matters is the attitude of the participants. Good students are students who are honest, responsible and never give up. I really appreciate the students who can respect others.

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