Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

National Exam - Shazwina Syifa

National Exam
            National exam is a standard evaluation for student in Indonesia, applicable for elementary school, junior high school, until senior high school. Evaluation of the monitoring process is carried out continuously and continuous in the end will be able to fix the quality of education. All of student must passes the national exam, so they will have graduate certificate.
            The government too blows up the important of national exam as a result the students try to get the highest score with ‘dirty tricks’ like buy the answer key, ask their friends for the answer and many more dirty tricks they can do. They do it because they want to have a high score and studying at a great school. This year, national exam has many problem, because  exam paper have some barcode and printing company failed printed the paper so the national exam in some province in Indonesia has been delayed because the exam paper was delayed arrive at many school in some province in Indonesia.
            I don’t think that National Exam must be completely removed because national exam is a standard evaluation for measure capability the student, but I think it must have some change at the system which made it has many problem.

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