Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Sir Isaac Newton - English Assignment (M.Solihin)

Hello guys!. Now I will tell you about my Idol. My idol is Sir Isaac Newton or I prefer to call him “The Father of Gravity”. He was born on 4 January 1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire England. His father was a prosperous farmer also named Isaac Newton, who died three months before Newton was born. Born prematurely, he was a small child. His mother Hannah Ayscough reportedly said that he could have fit inside a quart mug (1.1 litres). His mother remarried and Newton was left in the care of his grandparents. In 1661, he went to Cambridge University where he became interested in mathematics, optics, physics and astronomy. In October 1665, he discovered the generalised binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory. Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August 1665, the university temporarily closed as a precaution against the Great Plaguea and Newton returned to Woolsthorpe. The two years he spent there were an extremely fruitful time during which he began to think about gravity. He also devoted time to optics and mathematics, working out his ideas about mathematical theory that later became infinitesimal 'fluxions' (calculus).

In 1667, Newton returned to Cambridge, where he became a fellow of Trinity College. Two years later he was appointed second Lucasian professor of mathematics. It was Newton's reflecting telescope, made in 1668, that finally brought him to the attention of the scientific community and in 1672 he was made a fellow of the Royal Society. From the mid-1660s, Newton conducted a series of experiments on the composition of light, discovering that white light is composed of the same system of colours that can be seen in a rainbow and establishing the modern study of optics (or the behaviour of light). In 1704, Newton published 'The Opticks' which dealt with light and colour. He also studied and published works on history, theology and alchemy.

In 1687, with the support of his friend the astronomer Edmond Halley, Newton published his single greatest work, the 'Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica' ('Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy'). This showed how a universal force, gravity, applied to all objects in all parts of the universe.

In 1689, Newton was elected member of parliament for Cambridge University (1689 - 1690 and 1701 - 1702). In 1696,Newton was appointed warden of the Royal Mint, settling in London. He took his duties at the Mint very seriously and campaigned against corruption and inefficiency within the organisation. In 1703, he was elected president of the Royal Society, an office he held until his death. He was knighted in 1705.

Newton was a difficult man, prone to depression and often involved in bitter arguments with other scientists, but by the early 1700s he was the dominant figure in British and European science. He died on 20 March 1727 and was buried in Westminster Abbey.

I idolize he because I think he is the second most influential man after The Prophet Muhammad. How couldn’t?  Untill now,

theory of gravity which he discover is the most important theory for all tall buildings construction, aviation, and everything to do with gravity will not happen if this theory of gravity was not found.

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