Rabu, 24 April 2013

English Assignment My Friend- Alidza Fauzi

My Best Friend From Germany

 Hi, I have a far best friend his name is Muhammad Naufal Ammar, he was born in 18 May 1997 and he lives in Bremen, Germany. I really miss him because we never meet again.

I met him first in Salman Al Farisi Junior High School he was my class mate in seventh grade. He is smart and talented to draw manga, we became know each other in second semester of seventh grade he is a simple, calm, wise, and patient person. We always called each other by “majesty” title, for example: “majesty Ammar come here” “yes majesty Alidza”, that was weird but it can make us feel close.

In the 8th grade our relationship became closer and we have a several
robotic competition to joined, I happy because we can undertake the competition together even we always lost.
In the late of first semester of 8th grade I’m surprised because Ammar will be moved to Germany in second semester of 8th grade, he moved because his father has a permanent job in there. I think he was just joking, but I realized that it was true. I felt sad and it would hard to getting along again, I will be miss him, it’s hard to find a person like him.

After he moved on I always to keep him on contact, we always send email each other from yahoo or chat from facebook to keep our relationship close. This is one of our mail:

Von: Naufal Ammar Naufal Ammar
  Alidza Fauzi
 reSelamat Ujian Praktek
Assalamualaikum Alidza...
Terima kasih atas emailnya.
Praktikumnya berjalan lancar.
Apakah Alidza sudah mengetahui serial Umar? Agar kita tidak hanya sibuk dengan bermain , ha ha!

Saya punya pertanyaan , mohon dijawab :
Bagaimana kondisi sekolah Alidza?
Bagaimana teman-temanya ( baik siswa maupun siswi )
Bagaimana keadaan adik Alidza ? Sikap terhadap Alidza dan keluarga bagaimana?
Bagaimana keadaan orang tua?
Bandung seperti apa sekarang?
Terakhir :
Alidza sendiri bagaimana?
Rugi di sini bila hanya dapat melihat dan mendengar 
Untung di sini bila dapat membaca dan berkomunikasi
Saya juga senang bisa berkenalan dengan muslim dari berbagai negara (bahkan Palestina).
Sehat...semoga Alidza tetap fit.
Cat: Mau ke Jerman?

Von: Alidza Fauzi
 Naufal Ammar Naufal Ammar
 13:16 Montag, 4.Februar 2013
 Selamat Ujian Praktek
Assalamualaikum Ammar
Semoga ujian prakteknya berhasil dengan nilai yang bagus
kapan ke sini?
Atau saya yang ke sana (ngarep)...........
Entah kenapa saya mimpi kamu sekolah di sekolah saya
Kalau ke sini minta oleh oleh yaaaaa........ (ngarep lagi)
Semoga sukses ujiannya

In Germany he lives in Bremen with his big family and school in Rockwinkel Scoolzentrum, I think he is happy to live in there, germany is developed country their place is clean and modern. I think that’s all I hope I can meet with Ammar again.

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