Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Kornel Mandagi Sihombing - English Assignment (Daniel Steven)

When my teacher asked me to write someone that admire, within seconds I started thinking about some great people such as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, and many more. But all of a sudden I started thinking about my parents and my family, whether there is somebody that admire.  I had been thinking very hard until I remembered someone, his name is Kornel Mandagi Sihombing.

Kornel Mandagi Sihombing also known as “Onyek” was born on 1964 in Manado. He graduated from Mechanical Enginering ITB and got his master degree from Delft University of Technology, Netherland. He was the Vice president Business Integration Aerostructure in Indonesia Aerospace, known also as PTDI (PT Dirgantara Indonesia).  During the PTDI crisis in late 1990s, most of his friend decided to quit their job in PTDI but he kept his job because he wanted to bring PTDI out of the crisis. His dream was to make PTDI known around the world.

Kornel Mandagi Sihombing is a very good example of my live. He had a very good personality and a great leadership model for me.  He also always made me happy when I met him. Further, I felt him like my friend rather than somebody  who is much more older than me.  Sadly, he passed away last year on the Sukhoi Superjet Joyflight accident at Gunung Salak.  Everyone who knew him mourned when they heard about the accident.  I was really sad too when I heard the news because it was just like losing a man that I really admire.
Sukhoi Superjet 100 Accident
Although he passed away, a lot of people remember his goodness and kindness of personality including myself. Furthermore, I always feel great to remember his great personality.  During his life, he always greeted me when I met him and made my heart joyful. The best thing that I always remember from him is that he always thought about someone else more than himself.  Moreover, he had never been selfish to other people.  The smile in his face always made other people felt happy.

The best thing that I heard from other people about Mr. Kornel is that he never gave up for everything that he did in his life. He always tried hard and did his best for everything and worked hard to achieve the best. That is why his motto was grace and  serve. He will be my inspiration in my life. I hope one day, I could be just like him.  

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